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Tuesday, January 26, 2010, 12:51:00 AM

Recently the Haiti had an Earthquake which took many lives...

Many tried to help and donate. However, I am quite annoyed with the facebook applications that they have that ask people to join them which will help to donate.

There are no FREE LUNCH in the world. If they ask for donations on the streets I would give the donations willingly but I never believe that they would help me donate. If there are corporations who wants to donate and have the money to, why would they want to have applications for us to join and donate by the number of fans/ whatsoever...

This is completely will only increase awareness and not do anything else. So I decided not to join that application and flood everyone's profile in it!


Friday, January 15, 2010, 2:36:00 AM
Papa & I...

I am like damn damn damn pissed off with Dad...
On Sunday night, I asked Dad if the same group of friend of his would go Genting with us on the next Genting trip and he said yes. Then I told him that I'll not join them the same time due to them smoking in front of us. He said they did not enjoy the time with us too.

So why is he making a big fuss out of it?!

Dad always say we do not want to communicate with him but when we do, does it work?
I was just saying my mind. I respect him, that is why I tell him now and not when everything has been arranged for us. Is what I am doing not right?

Now Dad is picking on everything I do due to that dumb thing I did to tell him in advance due to respect.

Talking about COMMUNICATION, for GOD DAMN SICK, he SUCK at that!
I mean, what is communication when you talk behind my back and expect me to know?!
I bet that is the reason why Sis decide to write him a letter the last time...

Last night Xinrong told me a little bit about wad Dad said.
This morning Mummy did a follow up.
I ended up crying badly while talking to Mum.

From what I know, Dad said something like:

Yes, No one can stop them, the have their freedom to smoke but they are not trying to be considerate here. Dad quit smoking because he claims that he do not want us to take in second hand smoke. but isn't he doing a double or a triple to us now? So is your friend more important than your children's health and welfare?

HEY!who was the one who asked me to look for a job? When I was studying for my 'O' Levels before I got this job. He was the one who claims that I'm not studying and want me to get a job isn't it? Now I've got a job he is complaining that I work too late? He ask mum to check if I save money from work and if i do not, he'll get me to stop working. This is STUPID! He likes to contradict himself a lot and I HATE THIS! I finally have some friends other than my school friends he is asking me to leave? Working is now like a challenge to me and I enjoy it. I know that the outlet I am working in is not in an extremely good shape, or in fact, quite a bad one but this is the challenge for me(not saying that I am damn good) but just trying my best as a staff to bring it up. Sometimes when you work you will have to socialise, go out drink tea after work isn't it? Plus I'm working in SUNTEC now, not just Sembawang which is just a walking distance! Although I might not save alot but I have not taken money from Mummy whenever I work(not including the two months before 'O' Levels because I have exhaust my savings on the right food for my brains to work better for my exams after one month.) I am eating and spending mostly on my own money not just on my wants but my needs too. So you have no rights to not let me work.

This is like ridiculous! I am a human! I have feelings too! I mean can't I just fall in love with someone I like? I am not a robot where you can set a timer and preset me to fall in love at what age okay?! Anyway, didn't you and mummy fall in love in your teens too...So why make a big fuss out of this?! Is this like a trend? When your kids are too young, parents restrict them to have a relationship. When they get older then force them to get into a relationship? (By the way, this is what is happening to me and Benny now. I'm the too young and he is the older one.) Seriously, some of the things that we are doing is probably what you think was okay when you were at our age. So stop complaining! Anyways, I think, believe and knows that Benny IS a GOOD influence to me. Without him, I doubt I could pass my O Levels this time round. He was the one who has been supporting me, supervising my progress. With him, I feel much confident about the things I do, things I pursue.

Okay, things are getting out of hand! If he is going to hit Benny, I would probably help him block Dad because Benny is not his child and he has no rights to hit a person like that. If he is going to hit me, I will be ANGRY, UPSET and DISAPPOINTED with him. I remember Dad had a talk with me when I was 10. It was about growing up. He said that he did his duty as a father to teach us the right way of life, good manners, and etc...He promised that he will never have to beat us again. If we do anything bad, it will be society and reality to teach us. Not him. We shall bear all consequence if anything happens to us when we do what may be not right. So since i decided that I have a boyfriend who work with me and he rides a motorcycle riding a motorcycle would definitely be considered. Unless he expect me to walk home or take a cab home after work at 11pm from Suntec. When you have a better transportation than Public Transit, would you still take it? There are many who have accidents on motorcycle but there are many who die while crossing the road too! Benny IS a safe driver. Once bitten twice shy, he had an accident when he was in his teens he finally go rid of his phobia and started riding again at a more mature age and is more cautious now. He got me a personal helmet, let me wear the better safety jacket, make sure i do not wear slippers when travelling out of Yishun. He is trying to protect me as much as possible. All these are what Dad do not know. He claims that I promised him I would not ride again BUT HE DID NOT EVEN TALK TO ME ABOUT IT! He just simply tell Mummy to tell me叫佩珊不要常常坐摩托 and that day both Benny and me took a MRT to grandparents house due to what he said. I DID NOT promise anything. I will bear the consequence if anything happens to me. I know you are a human, you would probably feel bad if anything would happen but I will bear the pain if it has to come. If I'll have an accident, even if it do not happen on the road, there are millions of thing that can happen. Flower pots can drop from above and etc...(do not want to go in details). IF he is going to hit me like I said above. I might want to leave home too.

Whatever he is talking about, I feel utterly stupid. Firstly because he is picking on whatever I am doing now just because I initiated on not going on the next Genting trip which is not just what I decided alone! It is among his all four daughters. So why am I the one who gets this trash?! Secondly, look at all four daughter of his. I am probably not the best but have I not been the one who stick with you the longest. When I am home and I have nothing on, when you get me to go out I will try to go, when you have things to arrange I would do it for you with no complains? Even until now I am trying my best to do my part. I have been respecting you. Trying to satisfy you. Always the one who try to think of you from all the other daughters. Who do you think would suggest to give you birthday presents on your birthdays? Sis has always made plans to celebrate Mummy's Birthday. I was the one who has suggested and decides on the gift. You have always been a good role model to me as a responsible person who can multi-task at work. I feel miserable when I have done so much to make you happy, so much to give in to you and still get this in return. Has what I am doing a waste of time? I wonder...
